Published in 2021

【配信/ DVD情報】

[Production] 1950 (French film)
[Original title] Les Enfants Terribles
[Original] Jean Cocteau
[Director / Screenplay] Jean-Pierre Melville
[Distribution] Really Like Films, Cinemago / Cinema Angel (Courtesy)
[Cast] Nicole Stephane, Edward Delmit, Rene Kojima, Jack Bernard, Melville Martin, Maria Syriacus, Jean Mari Roban, Maurice Level, Roger Gaillard, Jean Cocteau (Narration)
[Outline of work]
A novella written by Jean Cocteau, who turned 40 in 1929, and one of the masterpieces reminiscent of the classical tragedy reminiscent of Greek mythology. Produced by Melville Productions in 1949 and released in theaters in 1950. At that time, the director was Jean-Pierre Melville, who is known for "Samurai" (1967) and "Jinyoshi" (1969). It is also said that it had a great influence on Nouvelle Vague, which is represented by Francois Truffaut and others, and Truffaut states that "the best novel has become the best movie." In addition, cinematographer Henri Doka has since been known as a cameraman for "Elevator to the Death Penalty" (1958), "Les Cousins" (1959), and "The Adults Don't Know" (1959).
Poor sister Elizabeth and younger brother Paul who lost their father and then their mother. Eventually, Elisabeth became a fashion model and met a wealthy man, but died in an accident. Elisabeth, who will inherit the big mansion, starts a strange communal life with his younger brother, Agato, a model companion, and Gerard, a former alumni of his younger brother. However, my sister loves her younger brother, and he is of the same sex and once had the image of his alumni Darjuros on the female Agato.

映画『パラレルワールド・シアター』は、 とある売れない小劇団員たちが30歳を目前に直面した現実を描く、自主制作による長編映画作品である。
学生時代から自主映画を撮り続けてきた無名無冠の監督と、そのもとに集ったスタッフ、 オーディションで選ばれた有志のキャストたちの熱意によって実現した本作品は、 撮影と並行して行われたMotionGalleryでのクラウドファンディングにて、 目標金額の100万円を上回る、128万5000円の支援を獲得。
閉じていく可能性や、選べなくなっていく選択肢を前に、 もう一度だけ自分たちの未来に賭ける「まだ何者でもない」登場人物と、作り手たちの物語。
演劇や表現に携わり葛藤する人たちだけでなく、「アラサー」と呼ばれる世代の人たち、 そして「ありえた別の人生」に思いを馳せたことのあるすべての人たちに捧げる力作が、ついに完成した。

Jean-Pierre Melville Director: Jean-Pierre Melville
Born in Paris in 1917. Participated in the resistance movement during World War II, and after the war he began making independent films.
In 1948, he starred in "Ladies of the Bois Rouge" directed by Robert Bresson. The following year, he made his directorial debut in the first feature film, "Le Silence de la Sea" (1949). (Photo by Henri Degas) Appeared in "Orpheus" (1950) directed by Jean Cocteau, who was the chairman of the cinema club "Objectif 49" in the same year. At the request of Director Melville from Cocteau, he was in charge of visualizing "Les Enfants Terrible Children".
Since then, he has appeared in Pierre Kast's "Girl in His Pocket" (1957) and Jean-Luc Godard's "Selfishness" (1957).
Melville's own directorial masterpieces include Jean-Paul Belmondo's "The Red Circle" (1963), which is one of the film noirs, Alain Delon's "Samurai" (1967), and Alain Delon and Yves Montand's co-starring. There is "The Red Circle" (1970).