Takehiko Fujita Masanori Machida Takuya Fujisaki
Saiki Tetsu Manami Kusaba Bakko Maeda (Metal for Moment) Takashi Toyoda
Hironobu Yukinaga Takanori Nakajo Kana Ishii Yusuke Sugiyama / Hironobu Nomura (Special appearance)
Screenplay / Director / Special Skills Director / Production Yoshikazu Ishii
Co-Producer Hiro Sakuragawa Associate Producer Mitsutoshi Demachi
Screenplay: Gen Tanaka, Photographed by Yoshihito Takahashi, Recorded by Hidehiko Ameda, Edited by Shoki Hirai
Sound design Daisuke Wakabayashi, monster modeling Daisuke Sato, English subtitles Kouichi Kawano
Production Team Better Tomorrow Distribution Cinemago / Promotion Cinemarche
Distribution cooperation Gigley box / cooperation todoiF / Mokuka

ラモーン・アームストロング、マシュー・スタサス、エリック・ローガン、パッ ティ・マイヤーズ、エリサ・ジェームズ、ジョシュ・フェイデム、ウォルター・コッペイジ、ジェレマイア・ ロッツォ、ベッツィ・グラン
脚本・アートデザイ ン:ベッツィ・グラン
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2022 Published in 2010

2022 Information will be lifted soon!
宣伝:河合のび 滝澤令央 松野貴則
作品データ:アメリカ/85分/DCP/カラー/英語、スペイン語/原題Kick Me
(C)Meconium Pictures / Cinemago

The comedy movie "SFX Comedy Yuzo Oki, the biggest in my life" directed by Yoshikazu Ishii , who has worked on many special effects such as "Ultraman Ginga" as a disciple of director Norifumi Suzuki of the "Torakku Yaro" series. The decisive battle ” .
Director Yoshikazu Ishii said, " I want the audience to enjoy the entertainment movie that involves comedy and special effects in times of confusion. " " And I want to pass on the tradition of Japanese special effects" Kaiju Kigurumi "to posterity through the movie. " An exciting comedy movie of "Anything Ali" that was created with my own thoughts and sent to all those who have experienced the corona disaster .
Not only the monsters that Director Ishii has become accustomed to, but also gag, action, musicals, etc., the movie life and view of the movie of Director Ishii are strongly reflected, and entertainment works that can be enjoyed not only by special effects fans but also domestically and internationally, regardless of age or sex, were born. !!

満場一致!市民が皆 悪魔のいけにえ一家のようなカンザスシティで地獄巡りをする高校の進路指導員 抱腹絶倒 超絶傑作!佐藤佐吉(映画監督)
2023年の“最も特異な”デビュー映画の1つだ!カルトファンに見出されるべきカルト映画!Filmmaker Magazine
4つ星で強く薦め!サスペンス、異色のキャラクター、並外れたユーモア、そして、いくつかの驚きが満載だ!The Scariest Things
2023年に見た中で最高の映画の1つ!B&S About Movies
Director Director
Yoshikazu Ishii: Ishii Yoshikazu
Born November 27, 1965 Born in Tokyo. Introduced by the scriptwriter and director Hiroshi Kashihara, directors Norifumi Suzuki, Hiroshi Kashihara, Joji Iida, Toshimichi Okawa, Mamoru Oshii, Kiyoshi Nishimura, Kenji Suzuki, Masaaki Tezuka, Otsuka Serves as an assistant director such as Kyoji. At the scene of special effects, he is an assistant director of Koichi Kawakita, Eiichi Asada, Makoto Kamiya, Tomoo Haraguchi, Toshio Miike, and Katsuro Onoue. In Hong Kong, I am indebted to Tadashi Nishimoto (the cameraman of "The Way of the Dragon" and "Comed with Me"). He works not only in movies and TV dramas, but also in commercials, games, VPs, and coordinators. Especially since 2004, he specializes in special effects movies.
[Writer Twitter] @TabiYuzo
[Main works]
2015: Movie "Sakura Hana" Special Skills Director / Assistant Director
2016: Movie "Gamemaster" production / director / screenplay / original
2017: Director of AbemaTV short drama "Green Rise"
2018: Movie "Attack of Giant Teacher" Production / Director / Special Skills Director / Original / Screenplay

2022 Information will be lifted soon!
海外作品部門「Choice of Kanazawa」